Welcome to The Gilded Farmer's Blogspot!

Farming and Framing go well together, right? Same letters just a different arrangement. I use eggs from my hens for my egg tempera paintings, the feathers from my turkeys for some fine painted finishes, and the fruits and vegetables as a source of nourishment and inspiration (sometimes using them for still life paintings.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Found Art: Look What the Wind Blew

I couldn't believe my eyes when I spied this in my driveway this morning. This bizarre and perfect pine needle sculpture was formed by the wind during the storm we had these past few days. I saw a pile of pine needles on the back of the garage roof yesterday and made a mental note that I should get them off before they build up and cause problems down the road. Mother Nature did the work for me: The Nor'east wind blew the needles into a sweet ball and plopped it in my path. I couldn't help but swoop the sculpture up, photograph it, and find a fine pedastal to set it onto to admire as long as it stays together.

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